This page includes a collection of Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe news, reviews and events. We appreciate the journalists who are helping to spread awareness of our work and foster an appreciation for the arts in our community. We update this page frequently, so be sure to check back often.
If you are a member of the media seeking materials from our press kit, or if you have a photo and/or an interview request, please contact our PR department at (941) 366-1505, ext. 805 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
"Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe's Knock Me A Kiss" - Sarasota Magazine, Kay Kipling
Highlight quote: "All in all, Knock Me a Kiss portrays a milieu not that often visited, and makes it worth the visit."
REVIEW "Westcoast Troupe sends a 'Kiss' with a provocative love story" - Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Jay Handelman
Highlight quote: "Once again, the Westcoast Troupe, which built its reputation on musical revues, proves its ability to shine when the music isn't playing."
"The Season On Stage" - Philip Lederer, SRQ Daily
"Arts highlights of the year" - Carrie Seidman, Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Arts writer Carrie Seidman compiled responses from the area's arts organizations about what they felt were their own highlights of the year.
"2014's most memorable moments for Arts staff and critics" - Jay Handelman et al, Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Theater critic Jay Handelman leads off with WBTT's 15th Anniversary Celebration.
FEATURE Biz(941) "Champions of Diversity"
Nate Jacobs receives prestigious "Unity Award"
CALENDAR LISTING "Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: Schedule of Events"
NEWS RELEASE "Local leaders on Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy" - Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Nate is quoted on the importance of MLK's legacy, remembrance events
(Slide 5 is Nate) -
NEWS RELEASE "Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe celebrates Black History Month with 'WBTT Voices' program" - PowerBroker Magazine
NEWS RELEASE "Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe celebrates Black History Month with ‘WBTT Voices – A Community Conversation: A Vision of Equality'" -
REVIEW "'Knock Me A Kiss' is another winner at the Westcoast Black Theater (sic)" -, Bonnie Silvestri
Highlight quote: "Within minutes, "Knock Me A Kiss," currently playing at the West Coast Black Theatre Company, will have you captivated."
(NEW RELEASE) "Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe hosting civil rights discussion panel" - Nick Reichert, The Observer
REVIEW "Knock Me a Kiss" - Talkin' Broadway, Bill Oser
Highlight quote: "I have said it before and I will say it again, top notch performances from an entire cast always come from a fine director. Chuck Smith has lived with this play for 15 years now and knows it inside out—but nothing about his work suggests boredom."
Harry and Lena opens to sold out audiences
Harry and Lena opens to sold out audiences